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together we build great british homes

Investing through crowdproperty supports small and medium sized property businesses. By investing, you play a valuable part in addressing the nation's undersupply of housing by financing the building of the estimated 300,000* new homes required each year for the united kingdom.

In 'Fixing our Broken Housing Market', the main housing white paper published in February 2017, the UK Government specifically identified small and medium sized property businesses as having a key role in solving the housing crisis. Proposals focused on unlocking sites, planning constraints, construction barriers and funding for this segment. They committed to 'make more land available for homes in the right places by maximising the contribution from brownfield and surplus public land, regenerating estates, releasing more small and medium sized sites, allowing rural communities to grow and making it easier to build new settlements'.

Crowdproperty is committed to providing sustainable finance through our investors to together build great british homes by addressing a broken and inefficient source of funding for property professionals.

performance transparency

CrowdProperty is a founding member and only specialist property platform in the Innovate Finance 36H Group, a collection of the market leaders in the specialist lending industry. The 36H Group succeeded the P2PFA, of which CrowdProperty was a board member alongside other sector leaders, which set high operating standards that went above and beyond the regulations on areas such as credit risk management, disclosure and accountability.
Our insistence on transparency and best practice in every way has resulted in us working with LoanClear (formerly Brismo), the leading provider of standardised loan performance data. LoanClear scrutinises every loan and loan cashflow to derive independent, like for like platform comparability. CrowdProperty was the first property specialist platform to become Brismo Verified.
This underlines our commitment to be held accountable for the performance of every loan we originate both historically and going forward.
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Amount(in £)Figures for year of project originationOrigination(in £)20152016201720182019202020212022202320242025(YTD)0100M200M300M400M500M600MHighcharts.comcumulative origination
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Amount (in £)Figures for year of project originationCapital £Interest £20152016201720182019202020212022202320242025(YTD)0100M200M300M400MHighcharts.comcumulative paid back

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

detailed statistics by year
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 total
Total Originated £2,290,000 £5,182,000 £4,407,000 £24,607,500 £38,142,000 £68,424,574 £88,158,849 £128,763,173 £118,313,680 £32,780,550 £3,184,250 £514,253,576
Total Lent £2,288,000 £4,026,000 £4,403,000 £15,192,759 £28,945,499 £51,337,435 £71,095,680 £96,737,125 £104,079,291 £51,588,397 £4,430,335 £434,123,521
Average Size of Loan £326,857 £335,500 £550,375 £474,774 £357,352 £407,440 £461,660 £503,839 £433,664 £353,345 £233,176 £426,867
Number of Loans 7 12 8 32 81 126 154 192 240 146 19 1,017
Average Project Size £381,667 £518,200 £629,571 £793,790 £733,500 £768,815 £937,860 £1,463,218 £1,739,907 £1,214,094 £796,062 £1,080,365
Total GDV Funded £4,486,000 £11,713,500 £8,852,000 £45,478,000 £64,711,590 £106,292,785 £174,042,730 £232,130,493 £186,598,478 £54,457,700 £5,129,000 £893,892,276
Total Units Funded 30 71 69 287 363 555 741 760 700 217 17 3,810
Average Loan Term (months) 10 13 16 15 13 12 13 14 13 11 12 13
Loan to current market value1 60.0% 64.2% 69.3% 61.9% 60.8% 56.5% 61.7% 62.1% 61.3% 55.4% 48.4% 60.6%
Loan to GDV Excluding Interest2 55.1% 47.4% 53.2% 52.0% 55.9% 54.2% 59.5% 59.7% 62.4% 64.6% 58.8% 58.0%
Loan to GDV Including Interest3 60.2% 52.3% 60.1% 59.4% 60.8% 57.3% 61.9% 63.2% 65.3% 64.7% 60.6% 61.5%
Defaulted Projects (>180 Days)4 0 2 0 3 9 11 26 31 8 2 0 92
Defaulted Projects (>180 Days) Repaid 0 2 0 2 8 4 14 11 0 0 0 41
Actual Losses5 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.14% 0% 0.2% 3.35% 0.21% 0% 0% 0.84%
Anticipated Losses6 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Actual Capital Losses5 £0 £0 £0 £0 £40,043 * £0 £140,687 * £3,236,135 * £219,464 * £0 £0 £3,636,329
Total Capital Paid Back £2,287,500 £4,026,000 £4,403,000 £14,855,530 £27,247,720 £46,398,512 £56,912,432 £64,633,306 £50,700,330 £4,508,844 £0 £275,973,174
Total Investor Interest Paid Back £243,719 £404,763 £449,589 £1,790,333 £2,635,678 £3,446,703 £5,147,566 £6,460,526 £6,864,592 £1,676,135 £21,832 £29,141,436
Total Paid Back £2,531,219 £4,430,763 £4,852,589 £16,645,863 £29,883,398 £49,845,215 £62,059,998 £71,093,832 £57,564,923 £6,184,980 £21,832 £305,114,610
Borrower Contract Rate7 11.71% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 9.81% 9.96% 9.86% 9.73% 10.32% 11.35% 11.47% 10.23%
Borrower Actual Rate8 15.67% 10.17% 10.25% 10.47% 9.97% 10.30% 9.89% 6.24% 10.34% 11.36% -% 9.38%
Investor Contract Rate7 9.71% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 7.86% 7.93% 7.64% 7.34% 9.12% 9.89% 9.04% 8.39%
Investor Actual Rate8 13.04% 8.17% 8.07% 8.18% 7.83% 8.07% 7.34% 3.54% 8.43% 10.27% -% 7.08%
  1. Loan to current market value is the average of the first release of capital to the borrower divided by the Current Market Value of the property being offered as security. In 2019, we introduced serviced bridging loans with up to 75% LTV. This means that the average LTV in 2019 may be higher than in previous years.
  2. Loan to GDV Excluding Interest is the planned total capital facility divided by the RICS assessed Gross Development Value (GDV) averaged over all projects.
  3. Loan to GDV Including Interest is the planned total capital facility plus interest divided by the RICS assessed Gross Development Value (GDV) averaged over all projects.
  4. Defaulted Projects (>180 Days) The FCA definition of default in relation to loans secured by property, is any loan which is past the contractual payment due date by more than 180 days.
  5. Actual Losses this is the actual loss of capital invested, if any, on a loan in Default, after any money we've been able to get back from the borrower. To keep losses to a minimum, we take the First Legal Charge on all loans as security. CrowdProperty attempts to continue collection and this number may reduce as more funds are recovered.
  6. Anticipated Losses are only 1% of capital invested due to retaining First Charge security on all projects we fund through the platform. Retaining the First Legal Charge on behalf of lenders gives CrowdProperty the legal right to take ownership of a property in the unlikely event that a property professional defaults on their loan. The First Legal Charge is the highest level of security, the holder of which is paid out both capital and accrued interest first in case of default and controls any required recovery processes. This gives CrowdProperty the same rights that a mortgage company holds on a person’s home if they fail to keep up repayments.
  7. Contracted Rates for Borrower and Lenders are the averages across all loan agreements.
  8. Actual Rates show the real returns for Investors and the actual paid by Borrowers. This is based on the actual interest paid for all projects. Some actual rates will be higher than the contract rate for Investors as some loans which run late will be subject to a higher rate. Only rates for paid back projects are included
  9. All reporting is based on the year of origination.
    For all averages, subsequent raises are not included in the averages to ensure no double counting.
    RICS – Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

This material contains statistics that have been prepared by CrowdProperty. The underlying data is based on past projects, however this information should not be construed as legal, tax, investment, financial, or accounting advice.

Any future forecasts that are shown combine our knowledge, with a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions about any future states, many of these are beyond the control of CrowdProperty.

Nothing contained within the information provided is or should be relied upon as a warranty, promise, or representation, express or implied, as to the future performance of any loan through CrowdProperty. Any historical information contained in this statistical information is not indicative of future performance.

Resilience Statement Abstract

As part of our dedication to maintaining our unparalleled standard of due diligence through more than 5 years of lending, CrowdProperty has undertaken a thorough, multi-scenario loan book resilience study on all active loans to understand the loan book's exposure to economic volatility. CrowdProperty analysed the causes of the 2007/08 and 1989/90 crises and from the aggregation of localised house price data during the 2007/08 and 1989/90 crises, derived resilience resource scenarios. The scenarios, analysed and applied at localised levels given differing impacts, have been examined to resource the resilience of the existing loan book to determine what economic conditions would compromise the security underpinning CrowdProperty loans. From this resilience resourcing, validation of our entry criteria for loans is detailed in this report and the resultant data analytics built into future loan appraisal assessment.

Resilience Statement Disclaimer

Resilience testing is not investment advice. Our resilience testing is an evaluation of our current loan book, based upon previous economic crises which impacted the residential property (housing) market. The main purpose of our testing is to evaluate our current loan criteria and processes, as well as to assess the potential impact of another housing market downturn. Although our resilience testing shows our loan book should be secure in the event of another economic crisis, past performance is not a guide to future returns and, when lending towards any investment product, your capital is at risk.





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